
For Miller Nash It’s Thumbs Down for the Whales

Thursday, 15 Dec, 2011

Miller Nash Love Cats and Dogs But Whales Are Another Story

Photo: Australian Customs ServicePhoto: Australian Customs ServiceThe Portland-Seattle based law firm of Miller Nash will represent the outlaw Japanese whaling fleet which is targeting endangered whales in an international whale sanctuary in violation of a global moratorium on whaling. They are seeking to shut down Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s efforts to defend and protect whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

Sea Shepherd is surprised that an American law firm, with a reputation for supporting a no-kill animal shelter, would represent a company that is illegally slaughtering defenseless whales inside the boundaries of a whale sanctuary.

Miller Nash law firm donates to a no-kill Animal Shelter in Prineville, Oregon:  Sea Shepherd applauds them for their humane concerns and for the support they give to the shelter. Miller Nash obviously has lawyers in their firm who care about the welfare of animals.

The question is, why are they working for those vicious thugs who kill endangered whales in a sanctuary in violation of a global moratorium on whaling?  Do they really need Japanese blood money? Funds, which, by the way, were diverted from the March 11th tsunami and earthquake victims?

On one hand, they don’t want dogs and cats to be killed and on the other they are fighting to support Japan’s cruel and ecologically destructive slaughter of protected Minke whales and endangered Fin and Humpback whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

It appears that these lawyers in fact do like animals. They seem to be opposed to the killing of defenseless animals, so it is a mystery as to why they would be willing to represent one of the cruelest and most barbaric animal slaughtering industries on the planet.

I urge our supporters and people around the world who love whales and who oppose whaling to politely contact the law firm of Miller Nash and ask them how they can justify this contradiction.

It is disgraceful that the Japanese whalers are using funds from the Tsunami Earthquake Relief Fund to pay lawyers in the U.S. to seek an injunction to stop Sea Shepherd from defending the lives of whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

Miller Nash appears to be a humane minded law firm, which supports no-kill shelters for animals, but their attitude, with regard to the whales, is that their Japanese whaling clients should be free to kill all they want in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

An American law firm defending Japanese outlaw whalers from American whale defenders seems to be very un-American. It is most certainly inhumane and disgracefully insensitive to the agonizing, cruel death inflicted upon these highly sensitive, intelligent, and socially complex, sentient victims of their ruthless clients.

Blood money stolen from Japanese victims of the tsunami to pay American lawyers to defend the massacre of whales in a whale sanctuary by seeking an injunction from an American court to prevent Dutch and Australian ships from leaving Australian ports!

It’s amazing what money can buy these days. It’s hello to tsunami relief funds and good-bye to integrity, humaneness, fairness, and the lives of a thousand whales.

Oh the insanity of humanity, or is that just another way of describing greed?

Contact information for Miller Nash Attorneys at Law


Portland Office:
3400 U.S. Bancorp Tower
111 S.W. Fifth Avenue
Portland, OR 97204-3699
T: 503.224.5858
F: 503.224.0155

Seattle Office:
4400 Two Union Square
601 Union Street
Seattle, WA 98101-2352
T: 206.622.8484
F: 206.622.7485

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