Protect migrating whales - demand #NetsOutNow

Sea Shepherd Australia

Join us in demanding the removal of deadly shark nets from NSW & Queensland waters

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  • Sea Shepherd fights to defend, conserve and protect our ocean.

    We use direct action to defend marine wildlife and protect their habitat in the world’s ocean. Sea Shepherd’s conservation actions aim to safeguard the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced marine ecosystems.

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  • We do what international authorities can’t … or won’t.

    When existing laws to protect the world’s oceans and marine wildlife are not enforced, Sea Shepherd engages in direct action campaigns, patrolling the high seas and working with national authorities to tackle illegal fishing in sovereign waters.

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  • If the ocean dies, we die.

    Overfishing, poaching and environmental waste have destroyed marine populations and polluted our seas. International laws and agreements exist to protect our fragile marine ecosystems, but enforcement is lacking.

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Facts and figures


Facts & Figures

Did You Know?

Facts & Figures

Did You Know?

Facts & Figures

Marine Debris Campaign

Facts and figures

Simple truths

Facts & Figures

Did You Know?

Facts & Figures

Did You Know?

Around the world, between 70 and 100 million sharks die each year through fishing, shark finning and shark mitigation programs. 

12-15 million tons of plastic ends up in the ocean every year, killing one million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals.

If not for whaling, ship strikes, pollution and entanglement in fishing gear, some whales could live for over 200 years.

In 2 years, we collected 1,233,595 pieces of rubbish from our beaches in 279 beach clean-ups. 80% of these items were plastic.

For every pound of trawled shrimp, up to six pounds of "bycatch” is also captured, including turtles and dolphins.

Humpback whales communicate with complex songs that can be as loud as the sound of a jet plane (around 150 decibels).

Illegal fishing accounts for an estimated 11-26 million tons of the annual catch of fish globally.

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