
It's About the Whales!

Sunday, 11 Feb, 2007

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been getting headlines around the world because two of our crew were lost at sea for eight hours and because two whale killers have falsely reported they were injured by Sea Shepherd activists.

We have been getting requests to interview the two men who were lost and later rescued by their own ship the Farley Mowat. The reports that the Japanese rescued the Sea Shepherd crewmembers is bogus. 

Both the men rescued at their own request will no longer be giving interviews about their "ordeal." Both John Gravois and Karl Neilsen have been trained for the possibility of being lost. The Sea Shepherd crew have been trained in the proper way to search for lost boats and lost crewmembers.

The entire search was conducted under the proper procedures and protocols. One of those protocols was to issue an emergency distress signal to alert all ships in the area of the situation. This obligated the Japanese whaling vessels to participate in the search as required under international conservation law.

The Sea Shepherd crew are not interested in talking about the drama of being lost at sea or rescued. They are interested in defending the whales from the ruthless illegal and viciously violent killers of whales.

Both the rescued men and the crews of the Farley Mowat and the Robert Hunter are not interested in stories focusing on the personalities of themselves. 

"This is about the whales," said Karl Neilsen of Fremantle, Australia.

"We got slightly cold, but we were confident we would be rescued," said John Gravois of Los Angeles. "Meanwhile the whales continue to die."

"The story is not about us," said Founder and President of Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson. "It's about the illegal slaughter of endangered whales in a whale sanctuary. We need to keep the focus on this issue."

Click here to learn more about Sea Shepherd's mission to save whales!

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