
In Memory of Brian Race

Friday, 26 Apr, 2019

On the 5th of April 2019, Brian Race, one of Sea Shepherd’s most loved and valued ocean warriors passed away in Melbourne, Australia. 

Sea Shepherd brings together the most dedicated people the world has to offer, people who have the rare combination of passion and compassion.

But every now and then, we get the exceptionally rare crewmember, one who stands out so much that they serve as an example to others. Brian was an example of selfless commitment to the cause of ocean conservation that everybody - from crew to executive leadership - sought to follow.

Brian stood fast on the front lines of our direct action campaigns for a decade, dedicating his life to saving countless other lives. Brian was a force multiplier, making our campaigns more successful.

Most of all, Brian was our friend. We were so lucky to have him in our lives; and we miss him every day.

We remember Brian for his passion for the oceans and his caring nature; his expert knowledge of our ships and a dedication to the cause as boundless as the oceans on which he served. 

From his first time on board as a deckhand, he quickly found his true calling in the engine room. An absolute genius at the job, Brian rose to Chief Engineer and then Chief Technical Officer two years ago, supervising all vessels in the Global Fleet.

The world needs more people like Brian, not less.

Sea Shepherd commits to continue the fight for the values that we shared with Brian as we honor him in pursuit of the justice for the animals that Brian cared so passionately about. 

Our deepest condolences go to Brian’s partner Meg, his mother Francine, sister Rebecca, family, friends and fellow Sea Shepherds who had the honor of knowing him.

On behalf of Sea Shepherd
Captain Alex Cornelissen
CEO, Sea Shepherd Global

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