
Ziggy hits right note at Sea Shepherd Marine Debris Campaign clean-ups

Tuesday, 19 Feb, 2019


Male Sea LionSinger Ziggy Alberts joined Sea Shepherd Australia's Marine Debris Campaign at clean-up events last week in Western Australia and South Australia.  (Photo Credit: Sea Shepherd).

WE were delighted that Australian singer-songwriter Ziggy Alberts was able to join Sea Shepherd Australia's Marine Debris Campaign at two of their beach clean-up events in Fremantle in Western Australia and Adelaide, South Australia last week. 

The events were inspired by Ziggy, who approached Sea Shepherd to ask if we would like to collaborate with him as part of his “Laps Around The Sun” world tour, which will take him to Europe in April after sold out performances here in Australia.

Ziggy is a well-renowned environmentalist, an avid surfer, and ocean lover and the lyrics of his songs reflect his desire to make the world a little better.

He is also mindful of his environmental footprint whilst on tour and to help offset this, he does all he can to bring awareness to the issues facing the oceans.

By collaborating with Sea Shepherd he was able to share to his supporters the vital importance of keeping the beaches clean and oceans healthy for the future of all marine life. 

Ziggy said: “Humans want to do better, and often just haven’t even considered how their own decisions might be affecting the world around them.

“So let’s use less, reuse more, and recycle if possible.”

Over 200 Ziggy supporters and ocean lovers joined the events and together removed nearly 14,000 pieces of trash from the two beaches with the biggest offender being cigarette butts and plastic film!

Our collaboration with Ziggy and his supporters was truly inspiring for all of us at Sea Shepherd and it seems Ziggy was humbled by the turnout and success of the events as well.

“I thought it was a great vibe down here today, a great turn out and a great result as well," Ziggy said. 

"Thank-you to the guys at Sea Shepherd for having us today and for making it possible for musicians like me to be able to get involved and bring people to events like this. You guys have made that possible today so thank-you.”

Like Ziggy, Sea Shepherd would like to thank everyone involved in the clean-up event – from Ziggy, Cohen and his touring team, to our amazing Sea Shepherd Marine Debris Team volunteers crew.

You can find out more by visiting our Marine Debris Campaign Facebook Page and get involved in our beach clean-ups.

View incredible photos of Ziggy getting involved with our beach clean-ups last week. 


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