Support Sea Shepherd's fight
Help Prevent Their Needless Struggle
Imagine struggling to reach your home, only to find it buried beneath mountains of plastic pollution.
This is the harsh reality for many female turtles on Australia’s beaches.

After enduring a long, exhausting journey to their nesting beaches, they often arrive to find these vital habitats covered in plastic waste.
In their attempt to lay their eggs in a safe place they must navigate through a minefield of plastic, discarded fishing gear, hooks, and multiple other threats.
For many, the overwhelming presence of debris can send them on a desperate search for an appropriate nesting location and in some cases, it will prevent them from nesting at all, forcing them to return to the sea to release their eggs.
Our crew is working tirelessly on remote northern beaches to prevent this needless struggle, and we need your help.
Australia’s six sea turtle species are all either endangered or vulnerable. We can’t afford to risk these mothers being unable to nest. With your support we can have teams on the ground, removing plastic pollution from critical coastal habitats to provide immediate relief for nesting turtles.

The challenges don't end once the mother turtle has safely laid her eggs in the sand.
Once her babies hatch, they must then make their way to the ocean as quickly as possible to ensure survival.
Only 1 in 1,000 hatchlings survive to adulthood, many succumbing to threats before they even reach the sea.
The sad reality is plastic pollution makes it a slow and perilous journey as the little ones haul themselves over a seemingly endless field of trash.
But you can make a difference. Your support allows us to be on the frontlines, protecting these vital habitats. We must continue this urgent work to give our turtles a fighting chance to recover and thrive.
Please consider giving today to help us keep this critical mission alive. By donating today, you will keep our Remote Marine Debris crews on the ground, directly working to protect threatened turtle populations.
Together, we can protect our precious turtles by helping to clean up their nesting beaches.